4th Live performance at the Beatles Day in Mons (Belgium)
Recording and filming: ‘I’d have you anytime’
Recording and filming: ‘#9 dream’
Recording and filming: ‘Only love remains’

Waux Hall, Mons, Belgium – afternoon – P: Dominique Grandfils. – Present: Dude, Calico, Jean, Coco, Dominique Grandfils, Didier, Lucie Marchal, Madeline, Esmeralda, the Choking Smokers !, Olivier, Phil co-web, and a whole lot of people….

This year was the year of the release of the Beatles’ Remasters. So everyone, everywhere, was talking Beatles. I wanted to do something different, and so I chose to do only solo stuff. I did one song by George, one by John and one by Paul. I wanted to do a fourth song (“Dance till we’re high’ by The Fireman), but I wasn’t confident enough about my voice. I had trouble driving at the venue and so I arrived very late. And I sang early in the afternoon, just a few minutes after arriving so I could’nt warm up properly.
Dominique Grandfils kindly filmed all three songs 🙂

Thanks to Lucie Marchal, Jacky Comet, and Marcel Vandenbemden for the photographs.

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