FRIDAY JUNE 26th 2015

Les Zaut’ – Live performance 13. Barbecue Gencliss 2. The show we did last year at Sylviane’s work place was well recieved, so when they asked us to come back again for 2015, we said[…]

TUESDAY JUNE 21st, 2015

Les Zaut’ – Live performance 12 – Fête de la musique Nancy. We wanted to play in Nancy for a long time, and finally we could do it. And we had to fight for it[…]

SATURDAY JUNE 20th, 2015

Les Zaut’ – Live performance 11 – Fête de la musique, St Nicolas de Port. The first of a series of three live shows in a row for Les Zaut’.  This show was a composite[…]

THURSDAY JUNE 18th, 2015

Les Zaut’ – Rehearsal 38. A rehearsal dedicated to consolidate the less mastered numbers for the forthcoming live shows. No pictures, recording, or anything. Uprising Livin on the edge Dani California New year’s day In[…]