TUESDAY JULY 5th, 2016

Rehearsal with Anthony G – 2

That was the first real rehearsal I attented for this unique project. I met two of Anthony’s musicians: Hervé, an active multi-instrumentist, and Cédric, who unfortunately couldn’t play because his keyboard was out of order. He left very early on. Also present was drummer Mathieu Hennequin.
We played 4 new songs that night: “La chambre”, “Je me sens existé”, “Que la terre tourne” and the unplanned “Un autre chemin”.  I was a bit nervous because those were songs that were not necesseraly in my safety zone: lots of acoustic stuff and flamenco-type and folk music.  But I managed to play something anyway and I use mostly electric and even a bit of saturated guitar. It was a very pleasant and relaxed rehearsal.
The songs were filmed and recorded by Anthony. I got the audio files.

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